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Tuesday, 26 May 2020

criterion for class XI

To be eligible for Science Stream (Medical/Non
Medical) a child has to secure 70% marks OR 56/80
marks individually in English, Maths and Science.

Maths  /Home Science/
Fine Arts
                                                                                           C++/Fine Arts


● To be eligible for COMMERCE WITH MATHS Stream, a child
has to secure 60% marks OR 48/80 marks individually in
English, Maths and S.Sc

● To be eligible for COMMERCE WITHOUT MATHS Stream a
child has to secure 50% marks OR 40/80 individually in English, Hindi and S.Sc

Commerce with Maths                                          Commerce without Maths
English                                                                                   English
Business Studies                                                             Business Studies 
Accountancy                                                                     Accountancy 
Economics                                                                         Economics

Maths                                                                            Web Application

To be eligible for HUMANITIES Stream, a child has to secure 40%
arks OR 32/80 individually in English, Hindi and Social Science.
Humanities English Core
Geography/History/Dance Psychology/Fine Arts Political Science/Economics
Home Science/*Mathematics/Music

Student with minimum 80% in Maths can opt for Maths.
* Student with minimum 80% in S.Sc. can opt for Eco.

Monday, 25 May 2020


The connective tissue is specialized to connect
and anchor various body organs.
It connects the bones to each other,  bind the
tissues and give support to various parts of the
body by creating a  packing around the organs,
Thus the main function  of the tissue are  binding 
supporting and packing.
The cells of the tissue are living and are separated
from each other
A homogenous  gel  like intercellular substance
called the medium  or matrix forms the bulk of the
connective tissue,examples of connective tissue 

Blood ,Bone ,Cartilage, Ligament, Tendon, Areolar

 tissue,Adipose tissue

Blood---Is a fluid connective tissue containg:-




Its  large  in number and have iron containing red respiratory pigment called haemoglobin.The RBC is also known  as the erythrocytes, they transport oxygen

They lack haemoglobin ,main function is defence and developing immunity .They are of five types


they help in clotting of blood and prevent blood loss.
Plasma -It  is the fluid in which all the three cells are embedded . It also contains water, food ,enzymes ,hormones and other substances .It distributes useful substances and collects waste from the cells of the body.

Bone and cartilage
Bone is a hard, non flexible connective tissue which has matrix filled with calcium and phosphorus e.g femur bone.
It is flexible and has cells which are widely spaced .The matrix of cartilage has sugar with very less calcium and phosphorus eg ear ,nose .

Ligament and tendon
Ligament connects bone to bone .It is flexible and has yellow fibres.
Tendon -Connects bone to muscle .it is made up of white fibres .they are more fibrous with limited flexibility.


The tissue is found between the skin and the  muscles, around
the blood vessels and the nerves and in the  bone marrow.
It fills the space inside the organs
It supports the internal organs and helps in repair of tissues after an injury
Its matrix consist of two kinds of fibres

The white collagen fibres
The yellow elastic fibres or elastin
Also scattered in the matrix are several irregular cells 
Mast cells 
plasma cells 
Adipose tissue 
The cells are fills with fat and mainly help in providing insulation and reserve energy .The cells are mainly present below the skin and inbetween the organs also.

Wednesday, 20 May 2020

nervous tissue

Draw a labelled diagram of a neuron

It is a tissue which is specialized to transmit messages within the body is called nervous tissue .
All the brain ,spinal cord and nerves are made up of specialized cells called nerve cell .
Each nerve cell is responsible for transmission of impulse from one part of body to the other . they connect the brain with the outside world .
each nerve cell has a cell body ,axon and nerve ending. The cell body has projections coming out called dentrites which collect information. the axon is protected by a sheath called myelin sheath .The axon is surrounded  by cells called schwann cells .One nerve cell is connected with the other to carry information to its destination like brain. Therefore nerve cell is called unit of information. 

Muscle tissue class 9th

Muscle Tissue

The muscular tissue can be divided into 3 types:-

1. Striated Muscles
2. Smooth Muscles
3. Cardiac Muscles

                                          Striated Muscle                               Smooth Muscle                      Cardiac Muscle

• The muscles are also known as skeletal muscles or
voluntary muscles
• The type of muscles show light and dark bands or
striations when stained, hence they are also known as
striated muscles
• The cells of this tissue are long, cylindrical, unbranched
and multinucleate.
• They are attached to the bones and help in body
• Each muscle cell is enclosed in a distinct plasma
membrane called the sarcolemma
CBSE Class 9 Science Practical Skills – Plant and Animal Tissues

• These are also known as the unstriated or the
involuntary muscles
• They occur as bundles which are spindle shaped
and have a single nucleus
• The movement of these muscles cannot be
• The tissue are often seen in the walls of the
alimentary canal, visceral organs except the heart


• They show the charecteristics of both the striated
and smooth muscles
• The cells of this muscles are branched cylindrical
and uninucleate, the intercellular spaces are filled
with the connective tissue
• They have dark and light bands on them
• The muscles around the heart show rhythmic
contraction and relaxation throughout the life ,
and hence these involuntary muscles are also
known as the cardiac muscles

Monday, 18 May 2020

Nervous system class 10th

Central nervous system ---Brain and spinal cord 

CBSE Class 10 Science Exam 2020: Important Biology Diagrams with ...Brain ---Parts of brain and its functions

1Fore brain ---it consists of two parts cerebrum (large brain ) and olfactory lobe .
function :
(a)It is the site for all memory ,information processing ,calculation ,understanding etc. so we can say that this part ios mainly what makes us more intelligent and superior than other animals .

(b)This part of brain has specific regions which control all the sense organs like taste ,touch, sound vision and smell (olfactory lobe )

2 Mid brain -It connects the fore brain with hind brain.

3 Hind Brain ---It has three parts 
(1)cerebellum---It helps to maintain body balance  like cycling in straight line dancing with perfect movements .

It also helps in coordinating muscular movements like drawing painting and other skillful activities

(2)Pons -it is mainly responsible for breathing 

(3)Medulla oblongata--Also called brain stem .It controls all the involuntary actions eg heart beat,digestion excretion also controls reflex actions .

Spinal cord ----it is extension of brain and has several nerves emerging from it  and communicating with the body and outer world  .
The network of nerves that form a web all over the body and connect central nervous system to the ourter word is called peripheral nervous system.
How is brain protected -----
The delicate nervous  tissue present in brain is protected by a bony covering called skull and also inside brain there are layers called meninges which have fluid called cere brospinal fluid which acts as shock absorber and protects inner tissue from any jerk or shock.

Friday, 15 May 2020

Reflex action class X

Draw a labelled illustrative diagram of reflex arc involved in ...

Reflex Arc Diagram

Q1 What is reflex action and make a diagram to show its path.
A It is automatic ,rapid and immediate reaction to a stimulus where no thinking is involved e.g. throwing away of hot object immediately after picking by mistake .

Flow diagram 
Receptor ----->Sensory neuron ---->Relay neuron ---->Motor neuron ------>Effector muscle for action 

Chapter control and coordination -----Class X

Q 1 What is the difference between nervous control and chemical control?

A Nervous control
1 Its response is immediate and short lived .
2 Information is passed as electro chemical  conduction.
3 It travels only to place where nerve is present

Chemical control
1 Information travels slow
2 Information is passed as chemical substance through blood stream.
3 Response is also very slow and effects are sometimes prolonged

 Q 2 Draw the labelled diagram of nerve cell .

Neuron Diagram || Diagram Of A Neuron || How To Draw A Neuron Step ...

Q 2 Explain how the information travels through neurons .

A The  sensory organs receive information and start a chemical signal which enters at the tip of dendrite and sets off an electrical impulse which moves from cell body to axon and nerve endings.At the nerve ending electrical impulse is converted back to chemicals called neurotransmitters .These chemicals jump the gap (synapse)between the root of previous nerve and dendrite  of next nerve cell to start the same reaction till it reaches the destination..

Nerve impulse
Dendrite------>cell body------>Axon----->nerve ending at the tip --->synapse------>tip of dendrite

Q3 Name the sensory organs .
A Eyes ---vision ,Nose----olfactory ,tongue----gustatory,ear -----auditory,  Skin---tactile

Q4 What is the difference between sensory and motor neuron?
A The neurons which take sensations from sensory organs to central nervous system ie brain or spinal cord are called sensory while the neurons that take orders from CNS to muscles for necessary actions are called motor neuron.

Q5 Can messages travel back from dendrite to root of nerve cell ?
A Never!!! they always travel from root to dendrite as there are neurotransmitters produced from root that jump synapse and move to dendrite and never vice -versa.

Thursday, 14 May 2020

Epithelial tissue class 9th

Epithelial tissue

  • It consists of cells which form membranes.
  • This membrane covers the body surface and the glands.
  • The covering or protective tissues in the animal body are epithelial tissues.
  • Epithelium covers most organs and cavities within the body.
  • It also forms a barrier to keep different body systems separate.
  • The skin, the lining of the mouth, the lining of blood vessels, lung alveoli and kidney tubules are all made of epithelial tissue.
  • The cells are tightly packed and form a continuous sheet.
  • They have only a small amount of cementing material between them and almost no intercellular spaces.
  • These are divided into four types:-

  • The cells are extremely thin and flat and form a delicate lining.
  • The lining of oesophagus and the mouth are covered with squamous epithelium.
  • The cells are arranged in many layers to prevent wear and tear.
  • Since they are arranged in a pattern of layers, the epithelium is called stratified squamous
  • The skin, which protects the body, is made of squamous epithelium.
  • The columnar (meaning ‘pillar-like’) epithelium facilitates movement across the epithelial barrier.
  • It is present where absorption and secretion occur, as in the inner lining of the intestine, tall epithelial cells are present.
  • In the respiratory tract, the columnar epithelial tissue also has cilia, which are hair-like projections on the outer surfaces of epithelial cells.
  • These cilia can move, and their movement pushes the mucus forward to clear it. This type of epithelium is thus ciliated columnar epithelium.
  • Cuboidal epithelium (with cube-shaped cells) forms the lining of kidney tubules and ducts of salivary glands, where it provides mechanical support.
  • Epithelial cells often acquire additional specialisation as gland cells, which can secrete substances at the epithelial surface.
  • Sometimes a portion of the epithelial tissue folds inward and a multicellular gland is formed.
  • This is glandular epithelium.
  • Sometimes epithelial tissue takes special function of secretion the it is called glandukar epithelial 
  • Tissue e.g. sweat gland oil gland etc.l
  • Quiz time
  • Name the following 
  • Epithelial tissue present in 
  • Cheek inner lining---------
  • Blood vessels lining ----------
  • Small intestine-----------
  • Trachea-------
  • Sweat gland--------
  • Skin----------
  • Help box-------Glandular epithelial tissue ,Ciliated columnar epithelial tissue ,
  • Columnar Epithelial tissue ,Squamous ET ,Stratified Squamous ET,cuboidal ET

Name the following 
