counteract the mass conversionsof organised religions and
launch social reforms programmes.
The Samaj regards the Vedas as infallible ,
eternal and divine .
It rejects any kind of inequality whether based on caste or gender
The message transformed attitudes towards depressed classes .
Idolatry , untouchability and child marriage were shunned .
How are Arya samajis different from Hindus ?
"Mainly in beliefs"
Hindus hold that Parmatma is a part of Jivatma and is sakar (with form)
and hence there idol worship .Arya Samajis don't believe in murti puja ,
because Arya samajis believe that Parmatma is nirakar or formless.
The Vedas say : "Na tasya pratima asti "----there is no image of Him .
hindus believe that your bad karma can be reduced or diminished
through the practice of certain rituals ; Arya samajis don't hold this opinion .
Arya samajis don't practice casteism .(Arya samajis even have women priests)
Hi there. Nice blog. You have shared useful information. Keep up the good work! This blog is really interesting and gives good details. Arya samaj, Arya samaj Delhi.