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Friday 18 August 2017

Assignment 19 for 10th

Assignment 19 for 10th
Q1 Draw the following diagram with appropriate labels
   Human male and female reproductive system
Q 2 Define the following terms
(a) menstruation
(b) menopause
(c) Puberty
(d) Secondary sex characters
(e) Gestation period
Q 3 Mention the significance of the following:
(a) Uterus
(b) placenta
(c) fallopian tube
(d) vas diferens 
(e) seminal vessicle
(f) scrotal sac
Q4 What helps the foetus to develop inside mother's womb?
Q5 Name the hormone responsible for inducing secondary sex characters in male , female ?
Q6 Explain the different categories of birth control methods with suitable examples.
Q7 Expand STD and name two such diseases?
Q1 Why are testes present outside the body of the male?
Q2 Why do reproductive system become functional only after some years of ageing?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thank you mam for these assignments...!!!

  3. Maam i have done the work

    Thank u for your support

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. thank you mam ...
    had a good help from this assignment
    -from harshit X-A
