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Friday 2 December 2011

Diversity in the living world ppt by 9C

The performance of students of 9c in making power point presentation
on various phyla  of Animalia was remarkable today .
There is tremendous improvement in their style and standard of working .
Children like  Dhruv, Raghav, Chirag ,Milan ,Kunal ,Shaurya and Parth
were very creative in making the slides and designing it while Mohini ,
 Varnika  and Tanushree were very relevant and precise in pesenting the information .
There is no short cut to hard work 
but it always pays!!!!


  1. thnx mam for complementing and appreciating the ppts made by the students of 9 c

  2. its been a great honour for us that our bio teacher is appreciating our work

  3. thanksmam, for giving this opportunity..
